  • ... There is no more modernly conceived book on such a traditional topic ...

    For the first time in the history of Serbian culture and publishing, a publication like this is published. There is no more modernly conceived book on such a traditional topic. A modern, skillfully concise, and reliable informative concept presents us with the hidden world of Serbian monasteries. You are holding in your hands a unique GUIDE to more than 460 monasteries and over 260 monasteries (places where the now destroyed and historically wind-blown temples of our very rich spiritual treasure were once located). Along with succinctly written texts about each individual monastery, here you also have their photos, a detailed map of the approach, and a general scheme of the location of the monastery, as well as a QR code, a special "code" for navigation that leads you (via smartphones, tablets, and GPS navigators) right to the doors of these ancient hearths and sanctuaries of the Christian faith and our spiritual culture. It is particularly interesting and important that here you will also find all the most important Serbian monasteries that are today located outside the territory of our country—all the way to Western and Northern Europe, Canada, the USA, and Australia (of course with numerous examples of Serbian monasteries in Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, Croatia... all the way to Montenegro and Mount Athos). Only in this way, when all Serbian monasteries are systemically complex and gathered in one place, can we at least have an inkling of the greatness of our heritage and the value of our tradition. And to feel pride for that, ready to start a virtual pilgrimage to these holy places even in this way (until we dare to actually step towards them—our symbolic home in eternity). Dragoslav Bokan        
    Product code scale dimensions language
    00890 1: 200 000 width 16,5cm, height 23,5cm, 352 pages serbian, cyrillic
  • Small Pocket Dictionaries are modern publications that together with a map constitute a necessary set of items for every potential traveller abroad, and especially for those who do not speak the language of the country they intend to visit. Published are German, English, Spanish, Turkish, Greek, French, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Polish, Albanian and Chinese Dictionaries as well as a Serbian Dictionary for foreigners entitled: “SERBIAN for everyone”. These dictionaries are perfectly designed, are of a user-friendly format and contain over 4,000 words and phrases. They are conceptually designed in such a way to easily introduce users to the foreign language – the simplest references from everyday life are introduced first, then come the explanations for the words and phrases that are commonly used while travelling and spending time in a foreign country. These dictionaries will especially help those users who literally do not know a word of the language used in a country they intend to visit. They will assist you in all possible situations:
    • At the airport, bus and train stations
    • At the border crossing
    • At the auto repair or auto parts shop
    • At the hotel reception and at a restaurant
    • In a shop, at the post office, in a bank…
    • At the chemist’s shop, at the doctor’s
    • At the hairdresser’s…
    • On the beach, during a winter holiday or camping
    For easy reference, words are not given individually, but in the form of questions, answers or statements that are most frequently used in given situations. There is an easy-to-survey map of the country concerned printed on the back cover of most dictionaries published, thus increasing their value to a great extent. Our advice is: Do not start your journey without a dictionary in your pocket.
    Product code dimensions
    000486 width 11cm, height 22,5cm 80 pages


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