  • ... There is no more modernly conceived book on such a traditional topic ...

    For the first time in the history of Serbian culture and publishing, a publication like this is published. There is no more modernly conceived book on such a traditional topic. A modern, skillfully concise, and reliable informative concept presents us with the hidden world of Serbian monasteries. You are holding in your hands a unique GUIDE to more than 460 monasteries and over 260 monasteries (places where the now destroyed and historically wind-blown temples of our very rich spiritual treasure were once located). Along with succinctly written texts about each individual monastery, here you also have their photos, a detailed map of the approach, and a general scheme of the location of the monastery, as well as a QR code, a special "code" for navigation that leads you (via smartphones, tablets, and GPS navigators) right to the doors of these ancient hearths and sanctuaries of the Christian faith and our spiritual culture. It is particularly interesting and important that here you will also find all the most important Serbian monasteries that are today located outside the territory of our country—all the way to Western and Northern Europe, Canada, the USA, and Australia (of course with numerous examples of Serbian monasteries in Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, Croatia... all the way to Montenegro and Mount Athos). Only in this way, when all Serbian monasteries are systemically complex and gathered in one place, can we at least have an inkling of the greatness of our heritage and the value of our tradition. And to feel pride for that, ready to start a virtual pilgrimage to these holy places even in this way (until we dare to actually step towards them—our symbolic home in eternity). Dragoslav Bokan        
    Product code scale dimensions language
    00890 1: 200 000 width 16,5cm, height 23,5cm, 352 pages serbian, cyrillic
  • Tourist info map of the municipality of Opovo. On front side, there is a tourist info map of the municipality of Opovo, in scale 1: 80 000, with the most important tourist locations. In addition to the back side is detailed plan of the city of Opovo in scale 1: 15 000. There is also a proposal of locations and activities during your stay in Opovo: What to see? Where to eat? What to do? What to visit? It makes in A3 format. The user can, in a simple and intuitive way, fold the map into 4 (A5) or 8 (A6) parts for easier manipulation.  
    Product code scale dimensions
    1 : 80 000 / 1 : 15 000 širina 42cm, visina 30cm
  • Tourist Info Map of Serbia is a new edition. Of modern design, made using the latest techniques in the production of tourist maps. On the one hand, there is a road map of Serbia with selected attractions to visit. The rich natural and cultural-historical heritage of Serbia is shown with appropriate icons. On the back, in addition to up-to-date information about Serbia, are suggestions from one of our best guides, Zeljko Petrovic. What to see and visit? What to do? What to eat? ... Its content is actual, full of information and can satisfy even the most discerning users. It printed in A3 format. The user can, in a simple and intuitive way, fold the map into 4 (A5) or 8 (A6) parts for easier manipulation.  
    Product code scale dimensions
    1 : 1 400 000 width 42cm, height 30cm
  • Mountaineering and torist map of Durmitor mountain is new, modern map edition , created with use of the latest cartographic achievements and computer techniques. It's size, color balance and artistic terrain shading, allow each user to quickly get the desired information. Front side shows the map of Durmitor mountain in scale 1: 30 000. Back side of the map shows overview map of The National park Durmitor in scale 1: 110 000. It’s content reflects the current situation and it is filled with information, that can satisfy even the most demanding users.
    Product code scale dimensions
    10170 1: 30 000 1: 110 000 width 57cm, height 48cm
  • The overview map "Monasteries of the Serbian Church" shows exactly where all the monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church are located, both in the areas traditionally inhabited by Serbs (the territory of the former SFRY) and everywhere in the world, as spiritual meeting places of our people in the diaspora. Regardless of which country they are currently in, they are centuries-old witnesses of the existence of the Serbian people In those parts, that is, their faith and love for Christianity. This is the first and only map that allows one to cover the layout of all existing Serbian monasteries at a glance.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000884 1: 1 300 000 width 70cm, height 50cm


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