Product code | scale | dimensions |
000032 | 1: 20 000 | width 68cm, height 48cm |
City map of Belgrade in printed form is the latest city map with suburban areas supplemented with all the alterations resulting from the changes that occurred within the city and its wider surroundings. Appropriate choice of colours as well as font type and font size contributed to the map’s modern design and exquisite easy-to-survey quality. Belgrade, with easy-to-survey main roads and important buildings and facilities, is displayed on the cover page, while on the back cover one can find printed: a list of streets with numeric-letter indexes, information on locations and telephone numbers of all important institutions in the city, maps of the suburban areas and a map of “the surrounding area of Belgrade” with marked positions of suburban area maps. New contents made this map excel other maps, thus giving it an additional quality. These new contents, among others, include: City Public Transport lines with marked terminals Information on one way streets in the city Specially designed map with a colourfully displayed layout of “the parking zones”, public parking lots and facilities, location of the car towing service (locally called “spider”), with detailed explanations on the services they provide Detailed maps of a great number of suburban settlements with a wide territory mapping.
Road Map of Serbia scaled at 1:860,000 is our new edition of a perfect design, constructed by means of application of the most recent cartographic achievements and computer techniques. Its scale, colour balance and artistically drawn shadows of relief make all the information requested easy to survey and quick to find. In addition to commonly included information this map also offers easy-to-survey “distance table” of inhabited settlements, and for easy reference, there is a term index printed on the back side of the map. This map has been updated and its content represents the most current situation in Serbia. It is brimful of information, hence can satisfy the pickiest of the users. When folded, it is of a convenient format and easy to put in pocket, handbag, car... This map is intended for the users from all around the World, therefore its legend is printed in Serbian, German and English.
Product code scale dimensions 000616 1: 860 000 width 48cm, height 68cm -
Road Map of Europe scaled at 1:4,000,000 represents a road map and a political map in one. It is this specific feature that provides this road map with an application value of a wider scale. A good choice of colours and their appropriate mapping as well as discretely imprinted shadows of relief imbued this map with an easy-to-survey and eye-pleasing quality. It is also worth stressing that a user of this map can find all desired information on any of the countries of Europe in one place. This map brimful of information is updated in accordance with the most recent developments in Europe. This mostly refers to newly built roads, changes in population of towns and cities, newly formed countries, newly opened ferry lines... When folded, this map is convenient for being carried and easy to pack.
Product code scale dimensions 000035 1: 4 000 000 width 68cm, height 98cm -
The overview map "Monasteries of the Serbian Church" shows exactly where all the monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church are located, both in the areas traditionally inhabited by Serbs (the territory of the former SFRY) and everywhere in the world, as spiritual meeting places of our people in the diaspora. Regardless of which country they are currently in, they are centuries-old witnesses of the existence of the Serbian people In those parts, that is, their faith and love for Christianity. This is the first and only map that allows one to cover the layout of all existing Serbian monasteries at a glance.
Product code scale dimensions 000884 1: 1 300 000 width 70cm, height 50cm