  • City map of Belgrade in printed form is the latest city map with suburban areas supplemented with all the alterations resulting from the changes that occurred within the city and its wider surroundings. Appropriate choice of colours as well as font type and font size contributed to the map’s modern design and exquisite easy-to-survey quality. Belgrade, with easy-to-survey main roads and important buildings and facilities, is displayed on the cover page, while on the back cover one can find printed: a list of streets with numeric-letter indexes, information on locations and telephone numbers of all important institutions in the city, maps of the suburban areas and a map of “the surrounding area of Belgrade” with marked positions of suburban area maps. New contents made this map excel other maps, thus giving it an additional quality. These new contents, among others, include: City Public Transport lines with marked terminals Information on one way streets in the city Specially designed map with a colourfully displayed layout of “the parking zones”, public parking lots and facilities, location of the car towing service (locally called “spider”), with detailed explanations on the services they provide Detailed maps of a great number of suburban settlements with a wide territory mapping.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000032 1: 20 000 width 68cm, height 48cm
  • Mini City Map of Belgrade is a small publication only in its format, while content-wise it is rich and powerful. The City of Belgrade with its wider surroundings scaled at 1:50,000 with easy-to-survey main roads and important facilities is depicted on the front cover of this map. The back cover displays a detailed map of Belgrade scaled at 1:20,000 providing users, besides those commonly included data, with the information on: changed street names newly constructed roads and accompanying facilities (road loops, gas stations...) routes and Belgrade metro stations public transport lines and terminals one-way streets locations of cultural, tourism, sport and religious facilities bicycle routes locations of public parking lots, facilities and services locations of schools, post offices, police stations and health care institutions location of Belgrade fair, hippodrome, swimming-pools... In a nutshell, it contains all the pieces of information that all citizens or future visitors of Belgrade can find interesting. It is possible to use this map with only one hand (in the car, in the bus, on the street, in the house...) and its symbolic price makes it available to a wide range of users.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000303 1: 20 000 width 42cm, height 30cm
  • City Map of Novi Sad scaled at 1:20,000 is a modern publication that faithfully represents the overall contents of the city and its wider surroundings. Due to the application of the most up-to-date cartographic experiences and methods, as well as to the full-scale computer editing this map has got an attractive design, high level of interpretability and is rich in contents. However, apart from all this, the author put an extra effort to make this map user-friendlier by scaling the city centre at 1:12,500 (large scale map). Specific parts of the city with all the streets included as well as suburban settlements of Sremski Karlovci, Bukovac and Rumenka are all visibly labelled on this map. Tourist, cultural, sports and religious facilities are marked with transparent symbols. What is especially important is that this map includes a detail layout of one-way streets, city transport company bus lines with all terminals as well as the locations of public car-parking lots and facilities. Apart form the list of streets with numeric-letter indexes one can also find a map of “the surrounding area of Novi Sad” scaled at 1: 200,000 with a suburban transport network printed on the back cover of this map. Besides easy-to-survey lines this map also contains all the information about the city transport zones (there are 13 zones), terminals of each of the existing lines as well as the locations of all other stops along a specific line. A conclusion imposes itself: if you are a citizen of Novi Sad or a potential visitor, this map will facilitate your sojourn in Novi Sad and make it even more pleasant.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000058 1: 20 000 width 33cm, height 48cm
  • Road Map of Serbia scaled at 1:860,000 is our new edition of a perfect design, constructed by means of application of the most recent cartographic achievements and computer techniques.  Its scale, colour balance and artistically drawn shadows of relief make all the information requested easy to survey and quick to find.  In addition to commonly included information this map also offers easy-to-survey “distance table” of inhabited settlements, and for easy reference, there is a term index printed on the back side of the map. This map has been updated and its content represents the most current situation in Serbia. It is brimful of information, hence can satisfy the pickiest of the users. When folded, it is of a convenient format and easy to put in pocket, handbag, car... This map is intended for the users from all around the World, therefore its legend is printed in Serbian, German and English.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000616 1: 860 000 width 48cm, height 68cm
  • Road Map of Vojvodina is cartographically edited according to high quality standards and represents a map rich in contents. With its design and easy-to-survey quality of contents presented it captures users’ attention. This map is updated according to the most recent changes and shows a real situation in practice. Besides a detailed road network, that is a baseline element of its content, there are numerous other elements presented on this map that especially contributes to its quality. These are, above all, tourism contents elements, such as lakes, spas, fishponds, fortresses, cultural monuments, monasteries, hotels, motels... Fruska Gora National Park that represents a real treasure trove of cultural heritage of Vojvodina is displayed with all its contents. In order to meet all the users’ requirements to the greatest possible extent there are big-scale maps of Subotica, Novi Sad and Zrenjanin printed on the back cover, as well as a terms index that puts the interpretability level of this map on a higher level. District (Okrug) and municipality borders as well as the way towns are labelled provide this map with features of a political map. It is due to this variety of contents that this map can be recommended to the widest possible range of users.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000054 1: 450 000 width 70cm, height 50cm
  • Judging from its format, the Road Map of Montenegro is the smallest map, however, according to its contents it can be placed among the richest of our publications. It was designed and cartographically edited in such a way that it does not tire its user but it simply offers information. The application of shadows put a special emphasis on the attractive relief of Montenegro. Besides commonly used contents, this map displays municipality borders and clearly specified National Parks. Having in mind that due to its geographical position Montengro is mostly a tourism-oriented country, the back cover of this map is primarily intended to be used by tourists. There are also large scale maps of big towns (Podgorica, Budva, Kotor and Herceg Novi), photos of alluring tourist attractions as well as an easy-to-survey Montenegro Coast Map. It is this very “Montenegro Coast Map” that shows the comprehensive tourism content of the Adriatic coast, from Igalo to Ulcinj, with all the destinations and names of over 150 beaches. The map also includes a term index and a legend of symbols used in Serbian, English, German and Russian. It is uprdated and depicts the most recent situation in this region. It is convenient for being carried and useful to, above all, potential visitors of Montenegro Coast.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000080 1: 550 000 width 35cm, height 50cm
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina scaled at 1:700 000 is our new edition of a perfect design, constructed by means of application of the most recent cartographic achievements and computer techniques. Its scale, colour balance and artistically drawn shadows of relief make all the information requested easy to survey and quick to find. In addition to commonly included information this map also offers easy-to-survey “distance table” of inhabited settlements, and for easy reference, there is a term index printed on the back side of the map. This map has been updated and its content represents the most current situation in Serbia. It is brimful of information, hence can satisfy the pickiest of the users. When folded, it is of a convenient format and easy to put in pocket, handbag, car... This map is intended for the users from all around the World, therefore its legend is printed in Serbian, German and English.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000733 1: 700 000 width 44cm, height 55cm
  • Road Map of Croatia is a particularly easy-to-survey map rich in content and in addition to the territory of Croatia it also covers the territories of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Within the design and construction process all cartographic experiences and practice as well as computer techniques have been applied. Exquisitely combined and fitted shadows of relief particularly contributed to its design. Although it falls into the category of small scale maps its content is transparent and easy-to-survey. This map is of a more recent date and it depicts the most current contents in this region. The coastline area that includes a great number of tourism destinations and summer resorts was specially updated and displayed in detail. It is really easy to find information on the top-quality and the shortest road, mileage, airport location, ferry lines, border crossings... For easy reference, there is an easy-to-survey term index printed on the back side of the map. A legend of used symbols is explained in Serbian, English and German. When folded it is convenient for being carried.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000610 1: 700 000 width 70cm, height 80cm
  • Road Map of Greece is a modernly designed road-touristic map rich in content. Besides the territory of Greece this map includes the territories of Albania, Macedonia and Turkey. Owing to the double side printing technique, an area this big is displayed in small format. The map is particularly easy-to-survey and user-friendly. The combination of traffic and tourism content puts special emphasis on this map since the most prominent tourism destinations are those along the coasts of Greece and Turkey. Among other content items, main road networks with mileage, ferry lines and locations of airports are transparently displayed. The territory of Greece was elaborated in more detail than the territory outside the Greek borders. Names of settlements are written both in Modern Greek (native form) and in the translated (transcribed) form. There is also a detailed layout of the locations of archaeological and cultural heritage sites from different periods: Minoan and Mycenaean periods Period of Classical Greece and Hellenistic-Roman period Byzantine and Franco-Venetian period and Period of Turkish dominance An easy-to-survey legend of used symbols is explained in Serbian, English and German. When folded this map is handy to have in a pocket, bag, glove compartment of your car...
    Product code scale dimensions
    000532 1: 1 200 000 width 70cm, height 50cm
  • Road Map of Bulgaria is an easy-to-survey and modernly designed map, within whose construction process the most recent cartographic experiences and computer techniques were applied. Road networks as well as other elements of its content are updated according to the most recent developments in this country. Special attention was paid to a detailed layout of the coastal area since there is a high concentration of all important tourism destinations and resorts. Users can easily find the location of the desired destination and choose the top-quality and the shortest road to it. This map also contains information on airports and maritime transport. A legend of used symbols is explained in Serbian and English. For easy reference, there is a term index printed on the back side of this map. This map is user-friendly and when folded convenient for being carried, so potential travellers to Bulgaria should have it with them in order to make their journey and sojourn in Bulgaria even more pleasant.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000549 1: 800 000 width 70cm, height 50cm
  • Road Map of the Western Balkans is more specifically and more precisely a Road Map of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Within the process of its construction the most up-to-date cartographic methods were used and full-scale computer techniques were applied. Each of the countries is presented in different colour and the combinations with stronger tone of relief shadows contributed to the up-to-datedness of the design of this map as well as to its interpretability. In addition to the fact that this map depicts a wide territory, it is also brimful of various contents and offers more information than many other maps of far larger scale. It is updated with the most current data on main roads, border crossings, changed names of inhabited settlements and other important constituents of a map. There is also an easy-to-survey distance table for quick calculation of distance that enables users to quickly read the mileage between all big towns and cities in this region as well as a scale for easy calculation of distances on the map. A legend with explanations of the symbols used printed in Serbian, English and German. For easy reference, there is also a list of inhabited settlements for all countries displayed printed on the back side of this map. When folded this map is convenient for being carried.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000604 1: 1 000 000 width 68cm, height 98cm
  • The Road Map of South East Europe is a small-format map including wide-territory mapping. Apart from the countries of this region it also includes West Turkey. This is achieved by means of adequate scale and double side printing technique application. Although it falls into the category of small-scale maps, the combination of easy-to-survey symbols and smooth shadows of relief contributed to the overall high interpretability of the map and made it highly user-friendly. The full-scale editing was carried out by using computer techniques with the application of the most recent cartographic practices. The content is updated for the whole mapped territory in accordance with the most recent changes that took place in this region. Apart from exquisitely designed cover and back pages there, on the cover page one can find a legend of used symbols in Serbian, English and German as well as an easy-to-survey distance table providing users with quick information on the distance between certain towns and cities within.
    Product code scale dimensions
    000302 1: 1 800 000 width 70cm, height 50cm


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